Monday, November 21, 2011

Life's Tragedies

My heart is overwhelmed with sorrow and grief as trajedy has struck home today. Many of you know I am the head coach of the varsity girls basketball team at Restoration Academy. One of my girls lost her mother today due to senseless violence. She was only 32 and left a 14 year old daughter and a 11 year old son.

When I found out the news I was immediately burdened to pray and seek God for wisdom, comfort and peace. While God has certainly given these to me I still remain grief stricken for the children who will be without their mother. During my morning meeting a gentleman asked me how I would handle ministering to my team and the young woman who lost her mom. My reply was "brokenness". I simply don't have the right words to say at this moment. All I can do is weep and mourn along side of her.

I know in time God will give me the wisdom to speak words of grace and love. I know God is sovereign over all things and somehow, some way will use this for his glory. I know that the word of God speaks into this situation and I could turn to many passages that comfort us in times of severe struggles and pain. I know that God will give us the needed grace. I know that God will use this draw us closer to Him. But for now I am broken. Absolutely broken over the visible manifestation of what sin brings and that's death.

Lord how I pray for her and our team. Would you be pleased to reveal to us your glory in the midst of our despair for we are a needy people. Lord would you be pleased to comfort us and turn this tragic event into triumph that many would come to know you as Lord of Lords, the Prince of peace.


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