Friday, October 21, 2011

Toxic Charity

A man stands on the side of the road. He is dirty clothes ripped; it is cold he has no coat; he has a sign saying he is hungry. Our heart beats faster, we are faced with our great privileges and this mans lack. So what do we do? Some believers will use Scripture to back up their claim we should give freely to all. Others say we are destroying their dignity and self-worth by contributing to a dependancy based lifestyle. Others say charity is a cheap and easy gift. Others say we should give sometimes when our heart really tugs at us...So what do we do?

Not an easy answer is it? When we give it brings us great joy and satisfaction to assist another. When we give it feels like we mercifully helped another. But have we really helped? Most times when we give charity to the poor we actually harm their dignity, self-worth and human responsibility. We must ask ourselves after we give the homeless man a meal what is the lasting impact of our gift. What about tomorrow? Will they ask again? Will they all the sudden be self-sustaining and no longer need help if we give them that meal?

The reality is in most cases we never get to the root causes of the symptoms of their condition, we simply give momentary relief to a symptom, which in the long run fails. Giver-Recipient relationships based off needs always breeds resentment. If we begin a relationship through offering gifts we have just assumed our role in that persons life. It is the start to an adversarial relationship.

So what I am I saying? I don't believe giving is the best solution in all cases. I will surely not tell someone to never give but I will give you a stern warning on the impact of your gift. There are situations where we discern a person's plight and give out of love and mercy for God and others. Thats understandable. But for the most part this destroys relationships and trust rather than fostering it. We need to make sure if at all possible we practice due dilengence when offering assistance to the poor and homeless.

The reason many don't want to hear this is because giving hand outs and charity is simple, easy, and doesn't cost us a thing but a few seconds. It also warms our heart and soothes our guilty conscience. To stop and listen, take time to get to know someone and be immersed in their messy life takes the gospel of grace. It is long term not quick fix and it may very well involve suffering.

"Giving to those in need what they could be gaining from their own initiative may well be the kindest way to destroy people". Bob Lupton

My prayer is that we would thank God for the tug on our hearts He provides and move from relief to development; move from enablement to empowerment; and move from charity to charitable justice. I am grateful for books like "When Helping Hurts" and "Toxic Charity" to help me understand how people with the best motives and purest hearts can actually destroy the very people they wish to help.

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