The reality is much like Jerusalem in the 400 BC's our urban cities lay in desolation and ruin. The physical desolation of run down buildings and abandoned homes speaks to a far greater condition of spiritual despair. The lack of good solid families, the lack of economic opportunities, the lack of leaders and positive role model plague our urban communities much like Jerusalem. The people had stopped worshipping the Great God Yahweh and turned to idols in the same way our urban folks turn to drugs and gangs.
Here are 7 points of how we can see Nehemiah through urban eyes:
1. Nehemiah used the physical conditions to deal with spiritual realities
- This is the basis for wholistic ministry
- To address spiritual conditions you must deal with the whole person
We simply cannot do urban ministry apart from dealing with peoples' physical condition. The conservative approach to "simply get people saved" is short sighted and lacks a true understanding of the great reversal that took place when Jesus defeated death, sin and Satan on the cross and through the resurrection. We need a wholistic view of ministry that encompasses economic developing (rebuilding the walls), job training and opportunities, discipleship through a correct view of God's creation and stewardship principles, as well as meeting specific material needs.
2. Everyone played their part/ Nehemiah didn’t do it alone
Ministry to the city where we do for instead of empower to do breeds paternalism and destroys the dignity of the very people we wish to help. We need to use indigenous leaders and put the power to make decisions in the hands of the people. While the urban community can certainly use the infusion of outside resources we need to be careful to allow the people to take the reigns and direct the vision thus taking ownership and affirming their God given dignity.
3. Compassion led to prayer and intercession
Nehemiah was broken when he heard the news of the city and the people dwelling there. He didn't immediately act or take on a savior mentality he went before God in repentance and humility. To be effective in the city we must come in humbly bowed low depending fully on the Holy Spirit and be culturally sensitive toward others. Every decision and relationship needs to be bathed in prayer and dependence on God Almighty.
4. There will be opposition from every front
Don't expect to go storm the devil's domain and think for one second opposition won't appear at every turn. Urban ministry is gritty kingdom work and the enemy hates racial reconciliation, deliverance and freeing people from his clutches. While Nehemiah and his people experienced opposition they stood firm and relied on God's promised to complete the task. Likewise we need to work with a weapon in hand not at all surprised by the enemies divisiveness.
5. God has promised his favor
God has promised to build his church much in the way Nehemiah was promised success. The good hand of the Lord is with all who endeavor to go minister in the city by the power of the Spirit. He has made clear that the poor and vulnerable are his biased people and we set out to be agents of change his hand is with us.
6. Nehemiah gave up worldly position to take on the sufferings of the people
Nehemiah left his comfort and convenience of being in the king's palace to take on the reproaches of the people. He considered much like Moses the reproaches of Christ to hold a far more eternal weight of glory. We need soldiers who will move and incarnate the city that will love their neighbor as themselves bringing peace and mercy with them as weapons for warfare.
7. Social shalom comes from solid Bible believing Christians knowing their theology but excelling in their ortho-praxy.
History tells us that long before Nehemiah showed up on the scene Ezra was already there preaching and teaching the Word of God. In fact, He set his heart on studying the word to apply it to life and ministry. As reformed Christians we do hold fast to sound theology which is the key to living a Christ centered, Gospel driven, Holy Spirit empowered life for the glory of God. But our problem is not theology it is ortho praxy or in laymen's terms our practice of that theology in understanding how it applies to the urban community and the great reversal.
I believe change has come. Urban reformed Christians are growing and going and the kingdom is moving forward. We need more who are willing to stand in the gap and be Nehemiah's. Won't you pray about how God can use you in your city.
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